The last few days I have been cooking from my garden. Yesterday I made chimichurri with a mélange of herbs. Today I’ll share a couple of simple ideas on how to use the condiment. Before that let me show off my garden beauties once again.

A good looking bunch, right? The cantaloupe was a disappointment though. It wasn’t very sweet. We looked at each other as we ate it, not wanting to be the first to say ‘our cantaloupe’ didn’t have much flavor. Drizzled some chimichurri sauce, sprinkled some S & P and the melon was transformed.

Isn’t it a neat idea to skewer melons?  Not mine though, something I came across while visiting China.

Here is another way to use chimichurri, flavor brown rice and edamame or rice and tofu with chimichurri for a simple salad meal.

Thanks for dropping by.

Best, S.